Rediscovering our humanity by sharing our stories.
Hi! I am Leah, a writer and aspiring adult. Spiritual, irreverent, and rebellious, I am dedicated to challenging the status quo to find a better way to live that benefits ALL of us, not just a select few.
With a background in mental health counseling, I've seen firsthand how the mind, body, and spirit are all deeply intertwined. I have also seen how individuals interact with the whole. My writing reflects this understanding, offering insights and guidance that honor the whole person while acknowledging systemic injustice and seeking solutions to address it.
I truly believe in the power of story to help us reclaim our humanity and heal, both collectively and individually. I have written five poetry books, one for each stage of grief, while navigating my own dark night of the soul, and I am now dedicated to helping others share their healing journeys as well.
I am so excited to connect with you. As we heal ourselves and build community, we heal the entire fucking world.